Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Teach Yoga?

The idea to become a yoga instructor came out of a difficult situation in my life. After teaching Kindergarten for 10 years I received a "pink slip" from my school district. Needless to say I was shocked. I thought tenure meant I couldn't lose my job. Boy have I learned a lot about the California Ed Code since then.........but that's a whole other blog. After enduring 4 more hours of teaching 5 year olds while holding back my tears, I drove home wondering what I was going to do. At first, all I could think about was the negative side to my situation: what about my house, my car, hell, my son's college tuition???? And then it dawned on me. This was a test. Do I really have the inner-strength to get through this? So of course, the first thing I did when I got home was roll out my mat and move through the poses that I knew would bring me to that peaceful state when your mind clears and everything that really matters come into focus.

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