Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dreaming My Dreams..... my opinion, that's what life is all about. I was very fortunate to have spent my teenage years with a dreamer who inspired me everyday for 5 years to be a dreamer and be passionate about what interests you. Teaching young children was one of those passions for me and has sustained me for many years. But as I head into the second half of my life I feel my natural teaching shifting in another direction. One that can still include young children, but may also include a whole other audience as well.

The picture I have included in this post is of a place known as Farmville. And NO it's not the virtual place made so popular by Facebook. But rather a real place where real food is being grown. I include it here because it has become a place very near and dear to my heart for many reasons. One of them being it is where I find myself rolling out my mat and doing Sun Salutations every morning. Being the daughter of an avid gardner, I grew up knowing how hard people work to produce the food we eat everyday. So it's not unusual for me to find solace in my yoga practice in the middle of a vegetable garden. But this particular garden represents more than just good, healthy food. It is also representative of someone who knows how to keep his passion close to his heart. And for that he will always be someone close to my heart. So my message today is this: search in your soul for your dreams, and if need be, dust off the cobwebs and start living them. Life is about dreams. So dream on......

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